Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Topic: Aid for Syrian refugees after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria
Working Language: English
Rules of Parliament : Robert's Rules of Orders (edited)
Setting for delegates: Mixed representation
AD: 季汉岭(雷竞技raybet官方平台)
PART/ 01
Introduction to Committee and Topic:
Syria is a country that has been long affected by war and internal conflict. Since the Syrian civil war which began in 2011, more than 11 million people have been displaced, making it one of the largest refugee populations in the world. In 2022, a strong earthquake hit the northwestern border region of Syria, causing a large number of refugees to be affected again. As the number of refugees grows, the international community has struggled to cope with the Syrian refugee problem. International organizations such as the United Nations Refugee Agency are also involved in refugee assistance. However, the difficulties and challenges of the aid work also come with it. The basic needs of refugees, such as food, shelter,health care and education, need to be met. Due to the complexity of the situation in Syria, different countries have different views and conflicting interests in coordinating the refugee issue. For example, the fighting between the Syrian government and the oppositin, Turkey's refugee policy and the reception of refugees in European countries will affect the implementation of refugee relief efforts.
In addition, as the number of Syrian refugees has increased, so has the risk that refugees face after they flee Syria. Gender-based violence, abuse and human trafficking are also growing.In that case, how to protect the poverty and safety through the rescue for the refugees is still a problem to tackle.
PART/ 02
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