


讲座摘要:Reading is a key determinant of success in sight interpreting/translation (SiT). However, little attention is given to reading processes involved in SiT, although reading research has demonstrated the existence of multiple types of reading and the individuality in the use of reading patterns, i.e., how various processes are used in combination to achieve a goal. This lecture intends to first argue for the use of SiT as an overarching term for the task that is often referred to as sight translation, before discussing the lack of nuances in investigating reading in SiT. This lecture then introduces a new study that investigates SiT reading processes to fill the aforementioned research gap, using silent reading (SR) and reading aloud (RA) for comparison to show how the use of reading processes varies between tasks and participants before homing in onto between-group analysis. Drawing on the technique of cluster analysis, reading processes have been classified, taking into account of both fixation duration, saccade length, and saccade direction. The implications of the findings are discussed as the lecture draws to a close.

主讲人简介:Dr. Chen-En Ho

Dr. Chen-En Ho(何承恩博士)现任英国贝尔法斯特女王大学口笔译中心副教授、口译硕士项目课程主任、国际化与招生事务负责人。何博士具有丰富的口笔译实践经验和研究经验。研究方向为口译认知研究、口笔译教学研究,包括游戏本地化研究和学习反馈研究。何教授在翻译领域期刊发表文章若干,并担任多本国际知名翻译学期刊的审稿人。欢迎各位老师和同学参加。

