
讲座题目: The dynamics of reading in alphabetic writing systems: Differences between German and English





In alphabetic writing, Reading is a process in which information is gradually processed, which has a certain dynamic nature. The process of reading is to process the text information, extract and understand the meaning of the text. The reading process is influenced by factors such as language type and contextual characteristics. In the phonetic alphabet, English and German have many similarities, but also have great differences. This lecture mainly analyzes the differences in reading dynamics between English and German in order to further understand the commonalities and differences between languages.



Prof. Dr. Ralph Radach 拉尔夫·雷达赫教授)

The professor of general psychology and physiologic psychology, school of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Wuppertal. Prof. Radach is a prominent figure in the field of linguistic psychology research, putting forward the “Glenmore” model, an interactive activation model of eye movement control in reading. His research areas include experimental psychology, reading research, eye movement research method and cognitive neuroscience. Prof. Radach currently has 130 publications, many of which are highly cited.



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